class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Lec 08 - pandas ##
Statistical Computing and Computation ### Sta 663 | Spring 2022 ###
Dr. Colin Rundel --- exclude: true ```python import scipy import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=3, linewidth=180) ``` ```r local({ hook_old <- knitr::knit_hooks$get("error") # save the old hook knitr::knit_hooks$set(error = function(x, options) { # now do whatever you want to do with x, and pass # the new x to the old hook x = sub("## \n## Detailed traceback:\n.*$", "", x) x = sub("Error in py_call_impl\\(.*?\\)\\: ", "", x) hook_old(x, options) }) }) ``` --- ## pandas? pandas is an implementation of data frames in Python - it takes much of its inspiration from R and NumPy. > pandas aims to be the fundamental high-level building block for doing practical, real world data analysis in Python. Additionally, it has the broader goal of becoming the most powerful and flexible open source data analysis / manipulation tool available in any language. -- Key features: * DataFrame object class * Reading and writing tabular data * Data munging (filtering, grouping, summarizing, joining, etc.) * Data reshaping --- ## DataFrame ```python import pandas as pd ``` .small[ .pull-left[ ```python iris = pd.read_csv("data/iris.csv") iris ``` ``` ## Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species ## 0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 setosa ## 1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 setosa ## 2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 setosa ## 3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 setosa ## 4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 setosa ## .. ... ... ... ... ... ## 145 6.7 3.0 5.2 2.3 virginica ## 146 6.3 2.5 5.0 1.9 virginica ## 147 6.5 3.0 5.2 2.0 virginica ## 148 6.2 3.4 5.4 2.3 virginica ## 149 5.9 3.0 5.1 1.8 virginica ## ## [150 rows x 5 columns] ``` ] .pull-right[ ```python print( type(iris) ) ``` ``` ## <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> ``` * Just like R a DataFrame is a collection of vectors with a common length * Column types can be heterogeneous * Both columns and rows can have names ] ] --- ## Series The columns of a DataFrame are constructed as Series - a 1d array like object containing values of the same type (similar to an ndarray). .pull-left[ ```python pd.Series([1,2,3,4]) ``` ``` ## 0 1 ## 1 2 ## 2 3 ## 3 4 ## dtype: int64 ``` ```python pd.Series(["C","B","A"]) ``` ``` ## 0 C ## 1 B ## 2 A ## dtype: object ``` ```python pd.Series([True]) ``` ``` ## 0 True ## dtype: bool ``` ] .pull-right[ ```python pd.Series(range(5)) ``` ``` ## 0 0 ## 1 1 ## 2 2 ## 3 3 ## 4 4 ## dtype: int64 ``` ```python pd.Series([1,"A",True]) ``` ``` ## 0 1 ## 1 A ## 2 True ## dtype: object ``` ] --- ## Series methods Once constructed the components of a series can be accessed via `array()` and `index()` methods. ```python s = pd.Series([4,2,1,3]) s.array ``` ``` ## <PandasArray> ## [4, 2, 1, 3] ## Length: 4, dtype: int64 ``` ```python s.index ``` ``` ## RangeIndex(start=0, stop=4, step=1) ``` An index can also be explicitly provided when constructing a Series, ```python t = pd.Series([4,2,1,3], index=["a","b","c","d"]) ``` .pull-left[ ```python t ``` ``` ## a 4 ## b 2 ## c 1 ## d 3 ## dtype: int64 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```python t.array ``` ``` ## <PandasArray> ## [4, 2, 1, 3] ## Length: 4, dtype: int64 ``` ```python t.index ``` ``` ## Index(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], dtype='object') ``` ] --- ## Series + NumPy Series objects are compatible with NumPy like functions (vectorized) ```python t = pd.Series([4,2,1,3], index=["a","b","c","d"]) ``` ```python t + 1 ``` ``` ## a 5 ## b 3 ## c 2 ## d 4 ## dtype: int64 ``` ```python np.log(t) ``` ``` ## a 1.386294 ## b 0.693147 ## c 0.000000 ## d 1.098612 ## dtype: float64 ``` ```python np.exp(-t**2/2) ``` ``` ## a 0.000335 ## b 0.135335 ## c 0.606531 ## d 0.011109 ## dtype: float64 ``` --- ## Series indexing Series can be indexed in the same was as NumPy arrays with the addition of being able to use label(s) when selecting elements. ```python t = pd.Series([4,2,1,3], index=["a","b","c","d"]) ``` .pull-left[ ```python t[1] ``` ``` ## 2 ``` ```python t[[1,2]] ``` ``` ## b 2 ## c 1 ## dtype: int64 ``` ```python t["c"] ``` ``` ## 1 ``` ```python t[["a","d"]] ``` ``` ## a 4 ## d 3 ## dtype: int64 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```python t[t == 3] ``` ``` ## d 3 ## dtype: int64 ``` ```python t[t % 2 == 0] ``` ``` ## a 4 ## b 2 ## dtype: int64 ``` ```python t["d"] = 6 t ``` ``` ## a 4 ## b 2 ## c 1 ## d 6 ## dtype: int64 ``` ] --- ## Index alignment When performing (arithmetic) operations on series, they will attempt to align by their index, ```python m = pd.Series([1,2,3,4], index = ["a","b","c","d"]) n = pd.Series([4,3,2,1], index = ["d","c","b","a"]) o = pd.Series([1,1,1,1,1], index = ["b","d","a","c","e"]) ``` -- .pull-left[ ```python m + n ``` ``` ## a 2 ## b 4 ## c 6 ## d 8 ## dtype: int64 ``` ```python n + m ``` ``` ## a 2 ## b 4 ## c 6 ## d 8 ## dtype: int64 ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```python n + o ``` ``` ## a 2.0 ## b 3.0 ## c 4.0 ## d 5.0 ## e NaN ## dtype: float64 ``` ] --- ## Series and dicts Series can also be constructed from dicts, in which case the keys are used to form the index, ```python d = {"anna": "A+", "bob": "B-", "carol": "C", "dave": "D+"} pd.Series(d) ``` ``` ## anna A+ ## bob B- ## carol C ## dave D+ ## dtype: object ``` Index order will follow key order, unless overriden by `index`, ```python pd.Series(d, index = ["dave","carol","bob","anna"]) ``` ``` ## dave D+ ## carol C ## bob B- ## anna A+ ## dtype: object ``` --- ## Missing values Pandas encodes missing values using NaN (mostly), .pull-left[ ```python s = pd.Series( {"anna": "A+", "bob": "B-", "carol": "C", "dave": "D+"}, index = ["erin","dave","carol","bob","anna"] ) ``` ```python s ``` ``` ## erin NaN ## dave D+ ## carol C ## bob B- ## anna A+ ## dtype: object ``` ```python pd.isna(s) ``` ``` ## erin True ## dave False ## carol False ## bob False ## anna False ## dtype: bool ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```python s = pd.Series( {"anna": 97, "bob": 82, "carol": 75, "dave": 68}, index = ["erin","dave","carol","bob","anna"], dtype = 'int64' ) ``` ```python s ``` ``` ## erin NaN ## dave 68.0 ## carol 75.0 ## bob 82.0 ## anna 97.0 ## dtype: float64 ``` ```python pd.isna(s) ``` ``` ## erin True ## dave False ## carol False ## bob False ## anna False ## dtype: bool ``` ] --- ## Aside - why `np.isna()`? ```python s = pd.Series([1,2,3,None]) s ``` ``` ## 0 1.0 ## 1 2.0 ## 2 3.0 ## 3 NaN ## dtype: float64 ``` .pull-left[ ```python pd.isna(s) ``` ``` ## 0 False ## 1 False ## 2 False ## 3 True ## dtype: bool ``` ```python s == np.nan ``` ``` ## 0 False ## 1 False ## 2 False ## 3 False ## dtype: bool ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```python np.nan == np.nan ``` ``` ## False ``` ```python np.nan != np.nan ``` ``` ## True ``` ] --- ## Native NAs Recent versions of pandas have attempted to adopt a more native missing value, particularly for integer and boolean types, .pull-left[ ```python pd.Series([1,2,3,None]) ``` ``` ## 0 1.0 ## 1 2.0 ## 2 3.0 ## 3 NaN ## dtype: float64 ``` ```python pd.Series([True,False,None]) ``` ``` ## 0 True ## 1 False ## 2 None ## dtype: object ``` ] .pull-right[ ```python pd.isna( pd.Series([1,2,3,None]) ) ``` ``` ## 0 False ## 1 False ## 2 False ## 3 True ## dtype: bool ``` ```python pd.isna( pd.Series([True,False,None]) ) ``` ``` ## 0 False ## 1 False ## 2 True ## dtype: bool ``` ] -- We can force things by setting the Series dtype, <div> .pull-left[ ```python pd.Series([1,2,3,None], dtype = pd.Int64Dtype()) ``` ``` ## 0 1 ## 1 2 ## 2 3 ## 3 <NA> ## dtype: Int64 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```python pd.Series([True, False,None], dtype = pd.BooleanDtype()) ``` ``` ## 0 True ## 1 False ## 2 <NA> ## dtype: boolean ``` ] </div> --- ## String series Series containing strings can be accessed via the `str` attribute, .pull-left[ ```python s = pd.Series(["the quick", "brown fox", "jumps over", "a lazy dog"]) s ``` ``` ## 0 the quick ## 1 brown fox ## 2 jumps over ## 3 a lazy dog ## dtype: object ``` ```python s.str.upper() ``` ``` ## 0 THE QUICK ## 1 BROWN FOX ## 2 JUMPS OVER ## 3 A LAZY DOG ## dtype: object ``` ```python s.str.split(" ") ``` ``` ## 0 [the, quick] ## 1 [brown, fox] ## 2 [jumps, over] ## 3 [a, lazy, dog] ## dtype: object ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```python s.str.split(" ").str[1] ``` ``` ## 0 quick ## 1 fox ## 2 over ## 3 lazy ## dtype: object ``` ```python pd.Series([1,2,3]).str ``` ``` ## AttributeError: Can only use .str accessor with string values! ``` ] --- ## Categorical Series .pull-left[ .small[ ```python pd.Series(["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"]) ``` ``` ## 0 Mon ## 1 Tue ## 2 Wed ## 3 Thur ## 4 Fri ## dtype: object ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python pd.Series(["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"], dtype="category") ``` ``` ## 0 Mon ## 1 Tue ## 2 Wed ## 3 Thur ## 4 Fri ## dtype: category ## Categories (5, object): ['Fri', 'Mon', 'Thur', 'Tue', 'Wed'] ``` ] ] <div></div> .small[ ```python pd.Series(["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"], dtype=pd.CategoricalDtype(ordered=True)) ``` ``` ## 0 Mon ## 1 Tue ## 2 Wed ## 3 Thur ## 4 Fri ## dtype: category ## Categories (5, object): ['Fri' < 'Mon' < 'Thur' < 'Tue' < 'Wed'] ``` ```python pd.Series( ["Tue", "Thur", "Mon", "Sat"], dtype=pd.CategoricalDtype(categories=["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thur", "Fri"], ordered=True) ) ``` ``` ## 0 Tue ## 1 Thur ## 2 Mon ## 3 NaN ## dtype: category ## Categories (5, object): ['Mon' < 'Tue' < 'Wed' < 'Thur' < 'Fri'] ``` ] --- ## Constructing DataFrames We just saw reading a DataFrame in via `read_csv()`, but data frames can also be constructed via `DataFrame()`, general this is done via dict of columns: .footnote[ See more io functions [here]( ] ```python n = 5 d = { "id": np.random.randint(100, 999, n), "weight": np.random.normal(70, 20, n), "height": np.random.normal(170, 15, n), "date": pd.date_range(start='2/1/2022', periods=n, freq='D') } d ``` ``` ## {'id': array([168, 615, 346, 390, 556]), 'weight': array([102.91553493, 71.7673641 , 76.66605866, 74.73546509, 50.53848772]), 'height': array([188.67776869, 155.90780119, 171.38683943, 173.15100756, 183.08340686]), 'date': DatetimeIndex(['2022-02-01', '2022-02-02', '2022-02-03', '2022-02-04', ## '2022-02-05'], ## dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')} ``` -- ```python df = pd.DataFrame(d) df ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## 0 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## 1 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## 2 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## 3 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ## 4 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` --- ## DataFrame from nparray For 2d ndarrays it is also possible to construct a DataFrame - generally it is a good idea to provide column names and row names (indexes) .pull-left[ ```python pd.DataFrame( np.diag([1,2,3]), columns = ["x","y","z"] ) ``` ``` ## x y z ## 0 1 0 0 ## 1 0 2 0 ## 2 0 0 3 ``` ```python pd.DataFrame( np.diag([1,2,3]), columns = ["x","y","z"] ) ``` ``` ## x y z ## 0 1 0 0 ## 1 0 2 0 ## 2 0 0 3 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```python pd.DataFrame( np.tri(5,3,-1), columns = ["x","y","z"], index = ["a","b","c","d","e"] ) ``` ``` ## x y z ## a 0.0 0.0 0.0 ## b 1.0 0.0 0.0 ## c 1.0 1.0 0.0 ## d 1.0 1.0 1.0 ## e 1.0 1.0 1.0 ``` ] --- ## DataFrame indexing .small[ ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## 0 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## 1 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## 2 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## 3 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ## 4 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` ] -- .pull-left[ .midi[Selecting a column,] .small[ ```python df[0] ``` ``` ## KeyError: 0 ``` ```python df["id"] ``` ``` ## 0 168 ## 1 615 ## 2 346 ## 3 390 ## 4 556 ## Name: id, dtype: int64 ``` ```python ``` ``` ## 0 168 ## 1 615 ## 2 346 ## 3 390 ## 4 556 ## Name: id, dtype: int64 ``` ] ] -- .pull-right[ .midi[Selecting rows, a single slice is assumed to refer to the rows] .small[ ```python df[1:3] ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## 1 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## 2 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ``` ```python df[0::2] ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## 0 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## 2 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## 4 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` ] ] --- ## Index by position .small[ ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## 0 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## 1 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## 2 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## 3 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ## 4 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` ] .pull-left[ .small[ ```python df.iloc[1] ``` ``` ## id 615 ## weight 71.767364 ## height 155.907801 ## date 2022-02-02 00:00:00 ## Name: 1, dtype: object ``` ```python df.iloc[[1]] ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## 1 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ``` ```python df.iloc[0:2] ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## 0 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## 1 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ``` ```python df.iloc[lambda x: x.index % 2 != 0] ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## 1 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## 3 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df.iloc[1:3,1:3] ``` ``` ## weight height ## 1 71.767364 155.907801 ## 2 76.666059 171.386839 ``` ```python df.iloc[0:3, [0,3]] ``` ``` ## id date ## 0 168 2022-02-01 ## 1 615 2022-02-02 ## 2 346 2022-02-03 ``` ```python df.iloc[0:3, [True, True, False, False]] ``` ``` ## id weight ## 0 168 102.915535 ## 1 615 71.767364 ## 2 346 76.666059 ``` ] ] --- ## Index by name .small[ ```python df.index = (["anna","bob","carol", "dave", "erin"]) df ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` ] .pull-left[ .small[ ```python df.loc["anna"] ``` ``` ## id 168 ## weight 102.915535 ## height 188.677769 ## date 2022-02-01 00:00:00 ## Name: anna, dtype: object ``` ```python df.loc[["anna"]] ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ``` ```python df.loc["bob":"dave"] ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ``` ```python df.loc[ < 300] ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df.loc[:, "date"] ``` ``` ## anna 2022-02-01 ## bob 2022-02-02 ## carol 2022-02-03 ## dave 2022-02-04 ## erin 2022-02-05 ## Name: date, dtype: datetime64[ns] ``` ```python df.loc[["bob","erin"], "weight":"height"] ``` ``` ## weight height ## bob 71.767364 155.907801 ## erin 50.538488 183.083407 ``` ```python df.loc[0:2, "weight":"height"] ``` ``` ## TypeError: cannot do slice indexing on Index with these indexers [0] of type int ``` ] ] --- ## Views vs. Copies In general most pandas operations will generate a new object but some will return views, mostly the later occurs with subsetting. .pull-left[ .small[ ```python d = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), columns = ["x","y"]) d ``` ``` ## x y ## 0 0 1 ## 1 2 3 ## 2 4 5 ``` ```python v = d.iloc[0:2,0:2] v ``` ``` ## x y ## 0 0 1 ## 1 2 3 ``` ```python d.iloc[0,1] = -1 v ``` ``` ## x y ## 0 0 -1 ## 1 2 3 ``` ] ] -- .pull-right[ .small[ ```python v.iloc[0,0] = np.pi v ``` ``` ## x y ## 0 3.141593 -1 ## 1 2.000000 3 ``` ```python d ``` ``` ## x y ## 0 0 -1 ## 1 2 3 ## 2 4 5 ``` ] ] .footnote[See the documetation [here]( for more details] --- ## Filtering rows The `query()` method can be used for filtering rows, it evaluates a string expression in the context of the data frame. .small[ ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` ] .pull-left[ .small[ ```python df.query('date == "2022-02-01"') ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ``` ```python df.query('weight > 50') ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df.query('weight > 50 & height < 165') ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ``` ```python qid = 414 df.query('id == @qid') ``` ``` ## Empty DataFrame ## Columns: [id, weight, height, date] ## Index: [] ``` ] ] .footnote[For more details on query syntax see [here](] --- ## Element access .small[ ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` ] .pull-left[ .small[ ```python df[0,0] ``` ``` ## KeyError: (0, 0) ``` ```python df.iat[0,0] ``` ``` ## 168 ``` ```python[0] ``` ``` ## 168 ``` ```python df[0:1].id[0] ``` ``` ## 168 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df["anna", "id"] ``` ``` ## KeyError: ('anna', 'id') ``` ```python["anna", "id"] ``` ``` ## 168 ``` ```python df["id"]["anna"] ``` ``` ## 168 ``` ```python df["id"][0] ``` ``` ## 168 ``` ] ] --- ## DataFrame properties ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` .pull-left[ ```python df.size ``` ``` ## 20 ``` ```python df.shape ``` ``` ## (5, 4) ``` ```python ``` ``` ## <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> ## Index: 5 entries, anna to erin ## Data columns (total 4 columns): ## # Column Non-Null Count Dtype ## --- ------ -------------- ----- ## 0 id 5 non-null int64 ## 1 weight 5 non-null float64 ## 2 height 5 non-null float64 ## 3 date 5 non-null datetime64[ns] ## dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(2), int64(1) ## memory usage: 372.0+ bytes ``` ] .pull-right[ ```python df.dtypes ``` ``` ## id int64 ## weight float64 ## height float64 ## date datetime64[ns] ## dtype: object ``` ```python df.describe() ``` ``` ## id weight height ## count 5.000000 5.000000 5.000000 ## mean 415.000000 75.324582 174.441365 ## std 177.676673 18.644111 12.568296 ## min 168.000000 50.538488 155.907801 ## 25% 346.000000 71.767364 171.386839 ## 50% 390.000000 74.735465 173.151008 ## 75% 556.000000 76.666059 183.083407 ## max 615.000000 102.915535 188.677769 ``` ] --- ## Selecting Columns Beyond the use of `loc()` and `iloc()` there is also the `filter()` method which can be used to select columns (or indices) by name with pattern matching .small[ ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` ] .pull-left[ .small[ ```python df.filter(items=["id","weight"]) ``` ``` ## id weight ## anna 168 102.915535 ## bob 615 71.767364 ## carol 346 76.666059 ## dave 390 74.735465 ## erin 556 50.538488 ``` ```python df.filter(like = "i") ``` ``` ## id weight height ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df.filter(regex="ght$") ``` ``` ## weight height ## anna 102.915535 188.677769 ## bob 71.767364 155.907801 ## carol 76.666059 171.386839 ## dave 74.735465 173.151008 ## erin 50.538488 183.083407 ``` ```python df.filter(like="o", axis=0) ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ``` ] ] --- ## Adding columns Indexing with assignment allows for inplace modification of a DataFrame, while `assign()` creates a new object (but is chainable) .small[ ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` ] .pull-left[ .small[ ```python df['student'] = [True, True, True, False, None] df['age'] = [19, 22, 25, None, None] df ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False NaN ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None NaN ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df.assign( student = lambda x: np.where(x.student, "yes", "no"), rand = np.random.rand(5) ) ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age rand ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 yes 19.0 0.607726 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 yes 22.0 0.541657 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 yes 25.0 0.562392 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 no NaN 0.849173 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 no NaN 0.440295 ``` ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False NaN ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None NaN ``` ] ] --- ## Removing columns (and rows) Columns can be dropped via the `drop()` method, .small[ ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False NaN ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None NaN ``` ] .pull-left[ .small[ ```python df.drop(['student']) ``` ``` ## KeyError: "['student'] not found in axis" ``` ```python df.drop(['student'], axis=1) ``` ``` ## id weight height date age ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 19.0 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 25.0 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 NaN ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 NaN ``` ```python df.drop(['anna','dave']) ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None NaN ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df.drop(columns = df.columns == "age") ``` ``` ## KeyError: '[False, False, False, False, False, True] not found in axis' ``` ```python df.drop(columns = df.columns[df.columns == "age"]) ``` ``` ## id weight height date student ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None ``` ```python df.drop(columns = df.columns[df.columns.str.contains("ght")]) ``` ``` ## id date student age ## anna 168 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## bob 615 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ## dave 390 2022-02-04 False NaN ## erin 556 2022-02-05 None NaN ``` ] ] --- ## Dropping missing values Columns can be dropped via the `drop()` method, .small[ ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False NaN ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None NaN ``` ] .pull-left[ .small[ ```python df.dropna() ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ``` ```python df.dropna(how="all") ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False NaN ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None NaN ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df.dropna(axis=1) ``` ``` ## id weight height date ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 ``` ```python df.dropna(axis=1, thresh=4) ``` ``` ## id weight height date student ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None ``` ] ] --- ## Sorting DataFrames can be sorted on one or more axes via `sort_values()`, ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False NaN ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None NaN ``` ```python df.sort_values(by=["student","id"], ascending=[True,False]) ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False NaN ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None NaN ``` --- ## Row binds DataFrames can have their rows joined via the the `concat()` function (`append()` is also available but deprecated), .pull-left[ .small[ ```python df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), columns=list("xy")) df1 ``` ``` ## x y ## 0 0 1 ## 1 2 3 ## 2 4 5 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(12,6,-1).reshape(3,2), columns=list("xy")) df2 ``` ``` ## x y ## 0 12 11 ## 1 10 9 ## 2 8 7 ``` ] ] -- <div> .pull-left[ .small[ ```python pd.concat([df1,df2]) ``` ``` ## x y ## 0 0 1 ## 1 2 3 ## 2 4 5 ## 0 12 11 ## 1 10 9 ## 2 8 7 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python pd.concat([df1.loc[:,["y","x"]],df2]) ``` ``` ## y x ## 0 1 0 ## 1 3 2 ## 2 5 4 ## 0 11 12 ## 1 9 10 ## 2 7 8 ``` ] ] </div> --- ## Imputing columns ```python df3 = pd.DataFrame(np.ones((3,3)), columns=list("xbz")) df3 ``` ``` ## x b z ## 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 ## 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 ## 2 1.0 1.0 1.0 ``` ```python pd.concat([df1,df3,df2]) ``` ``` ## x y b z ## 0 0.0 1.0 NaN NaN ## 1 2.0 3.0 NaN NaN ## 2 4.0 5.0 NaN NaN ## 0 1.0 NaN 1.0 1.0 ## 1 1.0 NaN 1.0 1.0 ## 2 1.0 NaN 1.0 1.0 ## 0 12.0 11.0 NaN NaN ## 1 10.0 9.0 NaN NaN ## 2 8.0 7.0 NaN NaN ``` --- ## Column binds Similarly, columns can be joined with `concat()` where `axis=1`, .pull-left[ .small[ ```python df1 = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(6).reshape(3,2), columns=list("xy"), index=list("abc")) df1 ``` ``` ## x y ## a 0 1 ## b 2 3 ## c 4 5 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df2 = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(10,6,-1).reshape(2,2), columns=list("mn"), index=list("ac")) df2 ``` ``` ## m n ## a 10 9 ## c 8 7 ``` ] ] -- <div> .pull-left[ .small[ ```python pd.concat([df1,df2], axis=1) ``` ``` ## x y m n ## a 0 1 10.0 9.0 ## b 2 3 NaN NaN ## c 4 5 8.0 7.0 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python pd.concat([df1,df2], axis=1, join="inner") ``` ``` ## x y m n ## a 0 1 10 9 ## c 4 5 8 7 ``` ] ] </div> --- ## Joining DataFrames Table joins are implemented via the `merge()` function or method, .pull-left[ .small[ ```python df1 = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['foo', 'bar'], 'b': [1, 2]}) df1 ``` ``` ## a b ## 0 foo 1 ## 1 bar 2 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df2 = pd.DataFrame({'a': ['foo', 'baz'], 'c': [3, 4]}) df2 ``` ``` ## a c ## 0 foo 3 ## 1 baz 4 ``` ] ] -- <div> .pull-left[ .small[ ```python pd.merge(df1,df2, how="inner") ``` ``` ## a b c ## 0 foo 1 3 ``` ```python pd.merge(df1,df2, how="outer", on="a") ``` ``` ## a b c ## 0 foo 1.0 3.0 ## 1 bar 2.0 NaN ## 2 baz NaN 4.0 ``` ] ] .pull-right[ .small[ ```python df1.merge(df2, how="left") ``` ``` ## a b c ## 0 foo 1 3.0 ## 1 bar 2 NaN ``` ```python df1.merge(df2, how="right") ``` ``` ## a b c ## 0 foo 1.0 3 ## 1 baz NaN 4 ``` ] ] </div> --- ## join vs merge vs concat All three can be used to accomplish the same thing, in terms of "column bind" type operations. * `concat()` stacks DataFrames on either axis, with basic alignment based on (row) indexes. `join` argument only supports "inner" and "outer". * `merge()` aligns based on one or more shared columns. `how` supports "inner", "outer", "left", "right", and "cross". * `join()` uses `merge()` behind the scenes, but prefers to join based on (row) indexes. Also has different default `how` compared to `merge()`, "left" vs "inner". --- ## groupby and agg Groups can be created within a DataFrame via `groupby()` - these groups are then used by the standard summary methods (e.g. `sum()`, `mean()`, `std()`, etc.). ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False NaN ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None NaN ``` ```python df.groupby("student") ``` ``` ## <pandas.core.groupby.generic.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x14c653e20> ``` .pull-left[ ```python df.groupby("student").groups ``` ``` ## {False: ['dave'], True: ['anna', 'bob', 'carol']} ``` ```python df.groupby("student").mean() ``` ``` ## id weight height age ## student ## False 390.000000 74.735465 173.151008 NaN ## True 376.333333 83.782986 171.990803 22.0 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```python df.groupby("student", dropna=False).groups ``` ``` ## ValueError: Categorical categories cannot be null ``` ```python df.groupby("student", dropna=False).mean() ``` ``` ## id weight height age ## student ## False 390.000000 74.735465 173.151008 NaN ## True 376.333333 83.782986 171.990803 22.0 ## NaN 556.000000 50.538488 183.083407 NaN ``` ] --- ## Selecting groups ```python df ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False NaN ## erin 556 50.538488 183.083407 2022-02-05 None NaN ``` ```python df.groupby("student").get_group(True) ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## anna 168 102.915535 188.677769 2022-02-01 True 19.0 ## bob 615 71.767364 155.907801 2022-02-02 True 22.0 ## carol 346 76.666059 171.386839 2022-02-03 True 25.0 ``` ```python df.groupby("student").get_group(False) ``` ``` ## id weight height date student age ## dave 390 74.735465 173.151008 2022-02-04 False NaN ``` ```python df.groupby("student", dropna=False).get_group(np.nan) ``` ``` ## KeyError: nan ``` --- ## Aggregation .small[ ```python df = df.drop("date", axis=1) ``` ] .small[ ```python df.groupby("student").agg("mean") ``` ``` ## id weight height age ## student ## False 390.000000 74.735465 173.151008 NaN ## True 376.333333 83.782986 171.990803 22.0 ``` ```python df.groupby("student").agg([np.mean, np.std]) ``` ``` ## id weight ... height age ## mean std mean ... std mean std ## student ... ## False 390.000000 NaN 74.735465 ... NaN NaN NaN ## True 376.333333 225.038515 83.782986 ... 16.39333 22.0 3.0 ## ## [2 rows x 8 columns] ``` ] -- .small[ ```python df.groupby("student").agg([np.mean, np.std]).columns ``` ``` ## MultiIndex([( 'id', 'mean'), ## ( 'id', 'std'), ## ('weight', 'mean'), ## ('weight', 'std'), ## ('height', 'mean'), ## ('height', 'std'), ## ( 'age', 'mean'), ## ( 'age', 'std')], ## ) ``` ] .footnote[More on multindexes and other aggregation/summary methods next time.]